REAL Awards  |  REALTOR® of the Year  |  Broker Manager of the Year  |  Affiliate of the Year  |  Distinguished Service |  Good Neighbor  |  Friend of the Industry

Recognition Committee  |  Past Recipients

PSAR REAL Awards Medallion


REAL Awards

The R.E.A.L. Awards are formal recognition from the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® (PSAR) for sales production. The R.E.A.L. Award stands for REAL ESTATE ACHIEVEMENTS & LEADERSHIP. PSAR is very excited to publicly honor San Diego County's top-producing agents, brokers, and teams who have exhibited excellence through their sales achievements and industry leadership. Recipients must have no outstanding violations of the Code of Ethics. The award is not requested or paid for. To put this achievement in perspective, consider that there are over 22,040 active agents in San Diego County. To be honored with this award is indeed a testimony to the dedication, trust, and work ethic of this REALTOR®  Go to for more information. 

PSAR REALTOR of the yearREALTOR® of the Year award criteria

  • Outstanding loyalty and devotion to the advancement and success of the Association and the Real Estate Profession through attendance at meetings, and services on committees, either as a member or chairperson.

  • Committee participation should be heavily weighted.

  • Conduct of Candidates’ real estate business and practices, in the judgment of candidate’s colleagues, in the most ethical manner at all times representing the professional image, and true spirit of REALTORS®.

  • Promotion and practice of the Real Estate Code of Ethics and Standard of Practices.

  • Participation in Association-sponsored activities.

  • Participation in civic and community activities.

  • Participation in CAR and NAR.

  • The past recipient of the REALTOR® of the Year may be asked to present the award to the new recipient.

  • The immediate President shall not be considered for the REALTOR® of the Year award.\

PSAR Broker of the YearBroker Manager of the Year award criteria

  • Outstanding loyalty and devotion to the advancement of the Association and the Real Estate Profession.

  • Must exemplify the REALTOR® image and have an enviable record of service to the real estate profession and to the association.

  • Must demonstrate skill, expertise, and productivity in the role of a residential qualifying broker or manager as well as a high rate in ethical conduct, professionalism, and conduct.

  • The past recipient of the Broker Manager of the Year award shall present the award to the new recipient.

  • Special Recognition: The Board of Directors and or Executive Committee will also honor and recognize members who have demonstrated excellence in their commitment to the Association and/or the real estate profession.

PSAR Affiliate of the YearAffiliate of the Year of the year award criteria

  • Outstanding loyalty and devotion to the advancement of the Association and the Real Estate Profession.

  • Attendance at meetings, and service on committees.

  • Conduct of candidates’ real estate-related business and practices.

  • Participation in Association-sponsored activities.

  • Participation in civic and community activities.

  • The past recipient of the Affiliate of the Year award shall present the award to the new recipient.

PSAR Distinguished Service Award Criteria

  • PSAR REALTORS® who has always set themselves apart as a leader.

  • PSAR REALTORS® who have shown exceptionally meritorious service to PSAR for at least 10 years.

  • PSAR REALTORS® who have been recognized as local leaders whose performance and involvement in political, educational, and community activities have been extraordinary.

  • This award may or may not be granted every year because the bar is set that high.

PSAR Good Neighbor Award - MORE Information and Nominating

Honors the exceptional work of PSAR REALTOR® and Affiliate members who make significant contributions in their communities. This accolade recognizes individuals who selflessly invest their time and talents in local endeavors and organizations. Monthly, PSAR will highlight the crucial role that real estate professionals play in enriching the quality of life within San Diego County. From these monthly honorees, annually a Recognition Committee will choose one standout member to receive the prestigious annual award. This annual recognition not only celebrates individual commitment but also financially supports the non-profits chosen by the winning member, further strengthening our dedication to fostering community development and well-being. Learn more here.

PSAR Friend of the Industry Award criteria

  • A non-Realtor (could be an Affiliate, an elected official, or any other non-member)

  • Someone who has made considerable contributions in service to the industry over many years.

  • This award may or may not be granted every year.

Annual Awards and Recognition

PSAR shall recognize one REALTORS®, Broker, and Affiliate each year for these prestigious awards.  PSAR staff will accept all anonymous nominations from anyone. The names of individuals making nominations will remain secret.  The number of nominations shall not create an advantage for nominees. Award recipients may not be the sitting President of PSAR and may not be past recipients of the specific award. The recipients of the awards are typically revieled at the REAL Awards Celebration.

Recognition Committee

Individuals in the following positions will be invited to participate at the Annual Recognition Committee meeting to select award recipients.   The past recipient of REALTOR® of the Year, Broker Manager of the Year and Affiliate of the Year, Affiliate Director, members of the Association Council, the Chair of Professional Standards, and the Chair of the Grievance Committee will be invited to attend this meeting. While all eligible members will be invited to participate, a quorum will be established by five attendees who have not been nominated for an award.  Nominees may participate in the meeting but must recuse themselves when their potential award is being discussed.  All qualified nominees as determined by the Recognition Committee will be invited to attend the Annual Real Estate & Leadership (REAL) Awards celebration and will have their names listed in the event program.  At least one runner-up for each award will be announced at the event.

Past Recipients

REALTOR®, Broker, Affiliate of the Year

  PSAR Special Awards 2023 PSAR Special Awards 2022 Realtor Manager Affiliate Awards 2021
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REAL Awards (Real Estate Achievement & Leadership)

2021 REAL Award Recipients     REAL_Awards_2020     REAL_Awards_2019